Conservatives decrying President Obama for hosting lavish Hollywood celebrity fundraisers isn't something new, nor is it surprising that they seem unbothered when their guy parades around with Ted Nugent or Donald Trump. What still puzzles me is why any campaign would think having Sarah Jessica Parker endorse you would be a net positive. (And I'm not just saying this because Parker has a face that looks like someone was trying to put out a grease fire with a hammer. Charlize Theron's endorsement should mean just as little).
I get the star power of a fundraising event--at least when the celebrity is going to do some sort of performance (some comedy, or a song). A lot of people want to see Elton John sing, or (for some reason) Robin Williams tell jokes. And a performance like that makes an expensive ticket easier to justify, so it's not all "I just blew $10K in order to eat overcooked chicken and hear Obama say the same thing he just said on CNN." Actors or other famous people? Doesn't really make much sense!
And the "endorsement" itself--the "I am [insert vapid celebrity moron with no expertise in any matter other than looking decent for a camera or being foisted on the world as part of some evil plot like Sarah Jessica Parker], and I think [insert awful political figure who may or may not be less awful than their awful opponent] is doing a super job! I will vote for him [or her, but let's face it, it'll usually be him] this November!" How on earth does that sway a single voter?
Trying to think about celebrities I genuinely appreciate for their talents--the Rolling Stones, Robert De Niro, the guys behind South Park--there are certain things I would actually be interested in knowing their opinions about. Mick Jagger's opinion about early blues music, or the actor(s) that most inspired De Niro, or what comedies Matt and Trey enjoy most when they're not making their own--that's where they have something more to contribute than the average jerk on the street. But I can't imagine giving any weight to their thoughts on the issues of the day, or whether Hoped and Changed should be elected over Wash, Rinse and Repeat.
Envelopes – Essential Buyers Manuals
7 years ago
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